Tuesday, January 22, 2008

-=aNoTheR gOoD tHiNg bEfOrE iT bEgAn=-

How do I say goodbye to you
When we never really said hello?
Is it any easier to walk away from the seeds of a friendship
Never given time to root and grow?
(Grow into what – a bigger friendship? I don’t know.)

And how is it possible to miss someone
I hardly ever see?
How can I know if you were my hero,
When you rode into the sunset
Long before the credits rolled.
How can there be a formal end to something
Which had no real beginning?

I can only thank you for the rainbows you brought to my storms;
For the silver lining you stitched in my clouds.
It was refreshing to find,
In this Sea of Skepticism,
Another fish peering at the world through a prism.
So, thank you for the laughs we had
And those that might have been.
I really cannot say goodbye.
Please, always be my friend.

. . . NancySue Krenrich Hamm

..nothing.. I just wanted to feature it.. it makes me remember something.. a story about a boy and a girl.. whom.. at first were not really close.. they just know each other.. but an there's one incidence which brought them together.. after that "incidence".. they became close friends.. they began texting each other.. but for them its just normal.. its just a friendly text for them.. not knowing that slowly.. they're falling in love with each other.. one night the boy asked the girl what is their real status.. the girl doesn't know what to answer because its her first time to encounter that situation.. they're saying I LOVE YOU.. I MISS YOU.. and more sweet things to each other.. like what GF-BF-BF-GF does.. yet,.. they are not in that stage.. later that night.. they became couple atlast.. there's no official YES or NO.. but what they know is.. they're already couples.. they're texting-thing last for one-three months.. then.. finally.. it was ended.. again.. because of one incidence.. they are still BF-GF though.. without communication.. this situation last for maybe.. three-four months.. then.. finally.. they decided to end it.. besides.. nothing happens.. they both agree to the decision.. well.. actually.. they didn't ended their relationship with a face-face conversation.. the girl just told a friend to tell the guy that she wanted to stop that almost five month relationship.. the girl was sad.. she doesn't want to end it that way.. she still wants to be the friend of the guy.. but she has no guts to talk to that guy.. until now.. even they meet each other.. they never greeted each other.. maybe also.. the two of them doesn't know what to do.. because they're just in highschool.. you know.. young people.. fickle-minded.. maybe that's also the reason why their relationship didn't work.. how sad..

..LESSON: **if you want your relationship to work.. KEEP your COMMUNICATION OPEN..!!
**NEVER enter a relationship if you know that you can't handle it.. in short.. wait for the right time..!! don't be too excited.. remember.. there's always time for everything.. right..?

..ahh.. i almost forgot.. for more cutie love poems.. please visit:: http://www.runwiththewolves.com/poetry.htm
..the poems are cute..!! promise..!!

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