Friday, February 22, 2008

-=sAmE sEx mArRiAgE=-

The issue of gay and lesbian marriage and families is a hotly debated topic. Everybody has an opinion most of these opinions are very strong which makes the subject almost impossible to discuss between those with opposing points of view.

The issue and beliefs about the homosexual community in general is further convoluted by social, political and religious views that go back centuries.

But if one was to look at the facts about gay and lesbian families scientifically and not from an emotional stand point and base their conclusions on what has been proven fact, and not just based on things believed to be fact, the topic may become much more acceptable for everyone.

To address this heated subject let’s look at the fundamental issues. First, What Is A Family? Second, What Is Marriage?

A family is different things to different people. To many it is mom, dad and brothers and sisters. To others it may be mom and grand mom. And still to others it may be the people that have raised you in foster care or simply your husband or wife.

When you stop and really try to define what a family is you realize that the term doesn’t fit into a net narrow package, so when people say that gay or lesbian couples shouldn’t be parenting children because it undermines the family structure, which structure of a family is being referred to?

Children need a stable family environment to thrive. They need to be loved and taught kindness and wrong from right. If this is accomplished does the type of family structure really matter the facts show that they don’t.

Recent conclusions based on studies of homosexual parenting show that there no significant differences in children raised b lesbian mothers’ verses heterosexual mothers.

The issue of gay marriage is at the forefront of today’s political topics. Again if the subject matter is looked at based on ascertainable factually information and not on emotion the proper conclusions can be drawn.

The act of “Marriage” is basically a legally binding agreement where two people commit to live their lives together and to be true to each other till death do they part. Now agreement is mostly to be thought of as a contract between a man and a woman but if you were a Mormon for instance it could be between a man and several women. Does that make it any less of a valid commitment?

Does Polygamy undermine the stability of a relationship or the development of the children being raised in this environment? What about children being raised by one parent or even no parents such as homeless children or those orphanages’?

The bottom line is if two human beings are committed to each other and to providing a loving environment for the children they raise will society be worse off or better off in the future?

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

-=cHeApEr mEdiCiNe biLL=-

The Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IP Philippines) has announced its support to the passage into law of the Cheaper Medicines Bill in the 14th Congress.

The bill seeks to amend provisions in Republic Act 8293, or the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines, pertaining to non-patentable inventions (Section 22), limitation of patent rights (Section 72), use of invention by government (Section 74) and limitations on rights conferred to trademark owners in cases of importation of medicines (Section 147).

This is following the call of President Arroyo urging Congress to enact the bill in her State of the Nation Address and various cause-oriented groups rallying behind it.

“By clarifying particular patent provisions in the IP Code, the bill balances the health interest of Filipinos on one hand and the rights of patent owners on the other,” lawyer Adrian Cristobal Jr., director general of IP Philippines, said.

“These proposed amendments modernize our 60-year-old patent system to make the law responsive to the health care needs of our people in the 21st century,” he added.

Since 2005, IP Philippines has been pushing intellectual property reforms detailed in the National Intellectual Property Policy Strategy.

The office recently concluded a four-day validation workshop for the preliminary report it conducted on the current IP situation in the country.

Close to 150 participants attended the workshop, representing various sectors in the fields of law, economics and sciences.

“One amendment to the proposed law provides access to affordable medicines abroad priced lower than their counterparts in the Philippines. This is consistent with the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) administered by the World Trade Organization, which the country acceded to. The bill, however, also balances the rights of patent owners since these are upheld in the amended provisions,” Cristobal stressed.

Other countries that have acceded to the TRIPS agreement include the United States, the European Union, Japan and other developed nations.

IP Philippines, through its Bureau of Patents, provides the registration and grant of patent for inventions. A patent is a legal right granted by the government to a patent owner to exclude others from using the patented item for a specified period of time in exchange for patentable information and disclosure.

From 2003 to 2006, IP Philippines received a total of almost 11,000 patent applications.

It also granted close to 3,000 applications from 2003 to 2007.

::Daily Tribune::

-=exTrA jUdiCiaL kiLLiNgS=-

A LOT OF journalists nowadays were killed because of what they report and broadcast. Maybe because the article or the news they reported was so private and the people connected to the issue wants privacy but because the journalist have already reported it, their secrets was already revealed. But because journalists know and must know everything which happens to their country, and because of just simply reporting the truth, their lives was always in danger. And they really don't care what will happen to their lives, and because they just think that people should know the truth. And by this, they are always near death.

But, why they should be afraid? At least, until their last breath, they are in the side of truth, and if you know you're right, go for it! If you're really a dedicated man to your work, you will sacrifice anything just to accomplish your job. Well, in the first place, journalist should not be killed. They are also human beings. Humans who does their work properly and who already dedicated themselves to their jobs. And how about their family? If they're gone? Killers doesn't mind in this matter. But they should! They shouldn't kill just because they want to. Or just because they want to clean their names. They should not also just think of their own sake! They should aways keep in mind what will be the effect of what they will do. They should care. Another thing, the truth is not only delivered by by journalists. The truth is delivered by itself. We can't stop it from revealing itself. There will always be a time when the truth will come out. So stop Extra Judicial Killings!!! It won't help!!!